Our Commitment to Resource Protection

Overview Organizational Summary

As a Paiute woman owned non-profit, our mission is to restore our cultural identity by participating in the self-preservation of our cultural resources. Mining in the State of Nevada has impacted our ceremonial fishing, gathering and hunting way of life. We will be learning and speaking our numma patse ne naga (Paiute language) for ceremonial purposes to protect our subsistence in our Territory.

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Project Overview Summary

There are so many technical issues at a Superfund site that are hard for our Tribal community to understand. A technical advisor will help us understand what is going on at the Anaconda Copper Mine Site ACMS, Yerington, NV that is in a Deferral Agreement process that makes it more difficult to understand. It includes the Lyon County Land Conveyance Bill and recent discovery of uranium that exceeds EPA's Safe Drinking Water Standards so we need as much help as possible. Join our mission!

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Discover more about
our mission

We are the Taboosi Dikudu No’obatu Numma Indigenous Technical Workgroup. Our mission is simple; help make our Tribal members aware of community’s water resources impacted by mining activities. Join us in advocating for responsible practices that prioritize the health of our groundwater and surface water.

Contact Us

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please provide your details. We look forward to connecting with you soon, as your engagement is vital for the protection of our community's water resources impacted by mining activities!